Yearly Membership offer - PRIVATE PAGE
This offer is exclusive. If you have been sent this page link, you have been selected to receive this offer. The reason the club is doing this, is to give a cash injection to help cover the moving cost and purchase more safety mats. (another 50 Sqm)
We only needed 10 people to take the offer.
We need to point out that a yearly option covers all of 2024 payments.
As a further gesture of goodwill, any holiday club or event that we hold at the Dojang will also be free of charge.
We calculate it as follows: (all these prices are based upon Novembers 2023 payment structure)
Training once a week is normally £35 for Juniors. 12 payments would be £420. 20% off is £336, saving £84.00
Training once a week is normally £39 for Cadets / Elite/Adult. 12 payments would be £468. 20% off is £374.40, saving £93.80
Training twice a week is normally £49 for Cadets / Elite/Adult. 12 payments is £588. 20% off is £470.40, saving £117.60
Training Three times a week is normally £59 for Cadets / Elite/Adult. 12 payments is £708. 20% off is £566.40, saving £141.60
If you have multiple children, this offer supersedes the 10% discount you already had
What Next ?
To confirm your offer, please pay the club by 31st December the amounts above. Make sure you cancel your Direct Debit.
The clubs account is:
Quest Taekwondo
Account: 20294744
Sort Code: 04-06-05